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In the old place with new snake handlers

The day delivered what the morning promised, lots of sunshine, no rain, just the right weather for a seminar. We met on the meadow behind the old KungFu school. Good traditions should be preserved. Just like last time, children and adults alike were there. Despite cancellations at short notice, we still had 16 participants.

This time we split into three groups. Claudia started with the beginners, Arvid with the advanced and I with the children. We rotated through the three groups so that everyone could try out our subjective approaches to using the whip. As always, everyone trained according to their level of knowledge. Thanks to Claudia's whips, the children were able to practise all the movements just like the adults. Our beginners surprised me again with their quick comprehension. We made rapid progress and learned something new.

After a break, we immediately tested whether the whip movements also worked in practice. The children started by fighting the fixed targets. All four of them were very eager to get the sticks small. The older ones went straight for the coasters. Every missile hit was cheered. Thomas once again professionally captured the intense physical effort. Many thanks at this point for the many pictures, which can be admired in the gallery. Thanks also to Louisa and her mom, who provided us with plenty of coasters. The wear and tear is already considerable. You can tell that we are getting better and better at training.

In the last part, everyone could choose whether to continue with whipping or self-defense. Arvid and Claudia continued to teach the whip movements and even the beginning of the form. I took care of myself and the self-defenders. It was about basic principles in everyday situations. A never-ending topic with ever new questions about how best to get out of a threatening situation. The children were just as challenged and involved as the adults.

So the four hours were quickly filled again. During the breaks, we agreed that we would shorten the frequency of the seminars to two months. A weekly lesson at the new KungFu school seems unrealistic and too late in the week, especially for the children. I really like the idea of organizing the seminar for children and parents at the same time. Thank you very much for your participation. The next date has already been set thanks to your diligent feedback.

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