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Noer-dlicher Teaching

This year I was again asked to teach a whip lesson at the WHKD outdoor camp. Actually we wanted to have Sr. GM Ron Lew with us. However, his flood of appointments left no room for this. So I made my way to Noer behind Kiel, directly on the Baltic Sea or more precisely on the Eckernförde Bay. A sunny and dry day, ideal for a workout at the beach.

After being warmly welcomed by the organizers, there was some time to visit the site. A beautiful place, hopefully a permanent successor to the legendary Beckerwitz. The camp participants could choose between four offers in the afternoon lessons, whip was one of them. With 20 people interested, we were fully booked down to the last stick. Luckily Arvid was there too. So we could respond more to everyone. Of course, Claudia was also there, took photos and repaired the small whip failures on the spot.

We started with simple basic exercises. Some had never held a whip in their hands. To my astonishment, there were significantly more talents this year who were able to implement the requirements much faster and better. Since we only had 90 minutes in total, we had to explain quickly in order to convey the spectrum at least a little.

The second part was about the use of the whip in close combat. To do this, we first showed how to twist the whip in order to roll it up while moving. When everyone had tried it out, we demonstrated the basic use of the whip at close range. It was primarily about the entrance to the defense. So everyone could work out counterattacks for themselves according to their possibilities. Here, too, there was no time for deeper content.

Finally, we practiced hitting fixed and moving targets. It's always great fun for everyone. Everyone could try out, how well that what has just been learned works. Arvid also helped here diligently so that everyone was on the move. With that, the time was up. Arvid showed the form he had worked out for the test and I gave suggestions as to how elements of movement with other weapons can be transferred to the whip.

Many thanks to the organizers who made this class possible for us. In any case, three new interested parties came to our whip group from this training session. Welcome. Everyone else who has tried the whip with us is also welcome to come and learn more.

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